Едно от най-коментираните неща напоследък определено е AI и chat GPT (вече) 4. Видяхме Папата да танцува, да се създават снимки, които да печелят конкурси, да се създават текстове, да се пише музика, да се измислят реклами, да се програмира и какво ли още не. Излязоха доста статии със статистики, колко хора биха загубили сегашнита си работа, ако AI продължи да се развива със същите темпове. Но това само времето ще покаже. Истината е, че AI може да бъде много полезен, стига да го използваме разумно и да задаваме правилните въпроси. Реших да попитам AI да ми изготви план за трениране – планинско бягане, планинско колоездене, маратон, ултра маратон и 3000 м. Създадените тренировъчни програми бяха доста изчерпателни и подробни, разбити по дни, седмици и блокове. Задавах един и същ въпрос три поредни дни. Всеки ден получавах различен план, но с подобна структура. Когато планът, обаче, не ми харесваше и исках да бъде променен, защото примерно имаше твърде много почивни дни, AI срещаше затруднения и не можеше да ми отговори. Ето и няколко примера за планинско бягане.
Вариант 1:
As an AI language model, I cannot assess your current physical condition, strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Therefore, I cannot create personalized training plans. However, here are some general guidelines for advanced mountain runners:
1. Build a strong foundation: Start with a base-building phase, focusing on easy runs and building your mileage gradually. Include hill repeats and tempo runs to build endurance and strength.
2. Train specifically: Incorporate trail running and technical terrain into your training, as well as vertical gain and loss. Practice running steep uphills and downhills.
3. Interval training: Include interval training sessions to improve your speed, power, and anaerobic capacity. These can include hill sprints, fartlek runs, and high-intensity intervals on flatter terrain.
4. Recovery: Allow enough time for recovery between hard workouts. Take rest days, active recovery days, and include mobility and stretching sessions.
5. Nutrition and hydration: Make sure that you eat enough and hydrate properly to fuel your body for the demands of mountain running.
6. Specific event training: Tailor your training to the specific event you’re preparing for. If it’s a longer ultra race or multi-day event, include back-to-back long runs and simulate race conditions in your training.
Remember to always listen to your body, adjust your training accordingly, and seek advice from a professional coach if necessary.
Вариант 2:
Sure, here is a training plan designed for advanced mountain runners:
Week 1:
– Monday: Rest day
– Tuesday: 60-minute trail run with elevation gain, focusing on endurance
– Wednesday: Strength training, including exercises such as lunges, squats, and calf raises
– Thursday: 90-minute trail run with elevation gain, focusing on endurance and hill repeats
– Friday: Recovery run, 45-60 minutes at an easy pace with no elevation gain
– Saturday: Tempo run, including 30 minutes at a steady pace and 15 minutes at a slightly faster pace
– Sunday: Trail run, 2-3 hours with elevation gain, focusing on endurance and hill repeats
Week 2:
– Monday: Rest day
– Tuesday: Trail run, 75 minutes with elevation gain, focusing on endurance and hill repeats
– Wednesday: Strength training, including exercises such as lunges, squats, and calf raises
– Thursday: Intervals run, including 8-10 repeats of 3-4 minutes at a fast pace with easy jogs in between
– Friday: Recovery run, 45-60 minutes at an easy pace with no elevation gain
– Saturday: Trail run, 2-3 hours with elevation gain, focusing on endurance and hill repeats
– Sunday: Long run, 3-4 hours with elevation gain, focusing on endurance and hill repeats
Week 3:
– Monday: Rest day
– Tuesday: Trail run, 75 minutes with elevation gain, focusing on endurance and hill repeats
– Wednesday: Strength training, including exercises such as lunges, squats, and calf raises
– Thursday: Hill repeats, including 8-10 repeats of 1-2 minute hill sprints with easy jogs in between
– Friday: Recovery run, 45-60 minutes at an easy pace with no elevation gain
– Saturday: Trail run, 3-4 hours with elevation gain, focusing on endurance and hill repeats
– Sunday: Long run, 3-5 hours with elevation gain, focusing on endurance and hill repeats
It’s important to remember to listen to your body and adjust the plan as needed. Complete each workout to the best of your ability without overdoing it, and make sure to rest and recover adequately between workouts. Additionally, be sure to follow proper nutrition habits to fuel your body for effective training.
Вариант 3:
Sure, here’s an example training plan for an advanced mountain runners:
Week 1:
Monday: Easy run – 45 minutes
Tuesday: Hill repeats – 8×1-minute uphill efforts with jog down recovery; cooldown – 60 minutes
Wednesday: Rest or cross-training (cycling or swimming) – 60-90 minutes
Thursday: Tempo run – 30 minutes at 10K pace; cooldown – 60 minutes
Friday: Easy run – 60 minutes
Saturday: Long trail run – 3 hours with a mix of terrain and elevation gain
Sunday: Rest or easy active recovery
Week 2:
Monday: Fartlek run – 60 minutes with pickups of various lengths; cooldown – 30 minutes
Tuesday: Hill repeats – 5-6×2-minute uphill efforts with jog down recovery; cooldown – 60 minutes
Wednesday: Rest or cross-training (yoga or stretching) – 60-90 minutes
Thursday: Tempo run – 25 minutes at 10K pace and 10x100m strides; cooldown – 60 minutes
Friday: Easy trail run with technical terrain – 60 minutes
Saturday: Long trail run – 4 hours with a focus on steep uphill sections and technical downhills
Sunday: Rest or easy active recovery
Week 3:
Monday: Easy run with accelerations – 45 minutes; 8x100m accelerations at the end; cooldown – 15-20 minutes
Tuesday: Hill repeats – 4×3-minute uphill efforts with jog down recovery; cooldown – 60-90 minutes
Wednesday: Strength training and mobility work – 60 minutes
Thursday: Tempo run – 35 minutes at 10K pace and 10x100m strides; cooldown – 60-90 minutes
Friday: Easy run – 60 minutes on flat terrain
Saturday: Long trail run/hike with elevation gain and technical terrain – 5-6 hours
Sunday: Rest or easy active recovery
Note that this is just a sample plan and should be adapted to your own fitness level, goals, and schedule. It’s important to balance hard workouts with recovery time and listen to your body to avoid injury or burnout.
По отделно всеки един от тези планове изглежда добре. Ако човек има опит и му се експериментира, винажи може да нагласи плана, спрямо своите възможности за трениране. Но планове, съзадени от AI, не могат да са изпълнени с контекст и да бъдат специално създадени за всеки един от нас и моментното ни физическо състояние. И докато планът, да речем, за маратон или за 5000 м, или дори за някоя равна ултра, като В100 може да бъде по-универсален, това няма как да бъде сведено до универсалност за планинското бягане, поради специфичния и различен профил на всяко едно трасе, неговата настилка и надморска височина. Тоест chat GPT4 все още не може да изземе функциите на треньорите, а персонализацията винаги ще си остане ключова в изготвянето на тренировъчен план. Все още сме „on the safe side“.
P.S. Смятам, че плана изготвен за хора, които тепърва искат да започнат да бягат е супер!
Sure! Here is a sample running training plan for beginners:
* Week 1:
* Day 1: 20 minutes of walking + 4 x 1-minute jogging intervals with 1-minute walking breaks in between
* Day 2: Rest
* Day 3: 25 minutes of walking + 4 x 1.5-minute jogging intervals with 1-minute walking breaks in between
* Day 4: Rest
* Day 5: 30 minutes of walking + 4 x 2-minute jogging intervals with 1-minute walking breaks in between
* Day 6: Rest
* Day 7: 30 minutes of continuous jogging
* Week 2:
* Day 1: 5-minute warmup walk + 3 x 3-minute jogging intervals with 1.5-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 2: Rest
* Day 3: 5-minute warmup walk + 3 x 3.5-minute jogging intervals with 1.5-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 4: Rest
* Day 5: 5-minute warmup walk + 3 x 4-minute jogging intervals with 1.5-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 6: Rest
* Day 7: 35 minutes of continuous jogging
* Week 3:
* Day 1: 5-minute warmup walk + 4 x 4-minute jogging intervals with 1.5-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 2: Rest
* Day 3: 5-minute warmup walk + 4 x 4.5-minute jogging intervals with 1.5-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 4: Rest
* Day 5: 5-minute warmup walk + 4 x 5-minute jogging intervals with 1.5-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 6: Rest
* Day 7: 40 minutes of continuous jogging
* Week 4:
* Day 1: 5-minute warmup walk + 5 x 5-minute jogging intervals with 1-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 2: Rest
* Day 3: 5-minute warmup walk + 5 x 6-minute jogging intervals with 1-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 4: Rest
* Day 5: 5-minute warmup walk + 5 x 7-minute jogging intervals with 1-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 6: Rest
* Day 7: 45 minutes of continuous jogging
* Week 5:
* Day 1: 5-minute warmup walk + 2 x 8-minute jogging intervals with 2-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 2: Rest
* Day 3: 5-minute warmup walk + 2 x 10-minute jogging intervals with 2-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 4: Rest
* Day 5: 5-minute warmup walk + 2 x 12-minute jogging intervals with 2-minute walking breaks in between + 5-minute cooldown walk
* Day 6: Rest
* Day 7: 50 minutes of continuous jogging
Remember to always warm up before and cool down after each workout, and to listen to your body and adjust the plan as needed. Good luck!
This is the way 🙂